I recently was introduced to Malia Dell’s new cookbook, Food That Works, and instantly wanted all of my clients to pick up a copy for themselves. My clients are busy, career-oriented people who also want to be healthy. They don’t always feel they have the time, energy or resources to lead the healthy life they…
Tag: disease prevention
Two 15-Minute Vinyasa Flows that Can be Worked into Any Schedule: One Gentle, One Vigorous
If you are like me, my days are jam packed with work and family. There are days that I am being pulled in a million directions and have more items on my to-do list than minutes in the day. I made a pact with myself several years ago that I would make my health and…
Top 10 Healthy Holiday Foods
Gathering with friends and family is the most important part of the holidays, but a very close second is the food that is enjoyed when we gather. My family has a long tradition of getting together, making and eating food, and then playing cards, watching old movies, taking walks, basically just spending time together and…
Basic Nutrition: Fact or Faux
Basic Nutrition Webinar Slides from April 26, 2015 This week Dr. Oz was under attack in the media for promoting false or unproven health claims. Ever since his show came on the air, I have had mixed feelings about him and his show. Dr. Oz promotes supplements and diets that in my education are based on false claims….
Chocolate Avocado Mousse
Chocolate Avocado Mousse 1 avocado, pitted 1 ripe banana 1 Tbsp. sweetener of your choice 1 Tbsp. cacao ¼ tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. Bragg’s aminos ¼ cup peppermint tea Place all ingredients in a high speed blender or use egg beaters. Blend until smooth adding more tea or sweetener as desired. Chill and Serve….
What is Chi Hiking?
This Memorial Day Weekend Monhegan Wellness studio is offering a fantastic retreat for active people who want to stay active into the future. I hear stories all of the time of injuries due to exercise, most of which are preventable with a few techniques that anyone can learn. The retreat scheduled for May 28-30, 2016…
3 Day Gentle Spring Detox
3-Day Gentle Spring Detox After a brutal winter, I can feel the weight of constant snow shoveling and carefully walking icy paths, lifting from my shoulders as a balmy breeze blows across the water, the winds die down, and the squish of my boots in mud fills my ears. During the cold winter months, I…
Small Doses Have a Big Impact
Dramatic overhauls of diet and lifestyle is both impractical and difficult. Small changes over time makes so much more sense given your busy schedule and full-life. Small doses of change, small doses of good for you foods, small doses of activity. The small doses philosophy can be attributed to all facets of your life. In…
Weigh less and Feel Great Forever
I struggled with weight, body image and energy since I was very young. I remember being self-conscious about my belly when I was 2 or 3 years old. My mother and older sisters were dieting consistently and obsessed with their weight all of my life. As a result, I followed directly in their footsteps. Obsessing…
Cope with Winter Weather Stress, Make Soup and Let Go of Illusions
Most of the time I view piles of snow as opportunities for fun and play; they are great for jumping in 🙂 This year Monhegan has gotten hit harder than ever with snow. Instead of viewing the beautiful white scene with joy and wonder, I have gradually felt a hard pit in my belly and a…