Thai Inspired Chicken-Vegetable Soup

Thai foods have a pleasant fresh, green quality along with a positive warming effect on the body. Perfect nutrition for cold days. I love the flavors of Thai cooking. The blend of lemongrass, cilantro, basil, chilies and coconut milk screams aliveness and has a positive warming effect on my body. The food is light leaving…

Cope with Winter Weather Stress, Make Soup and Let Go of Illusions

Most of the time I view piles of snow as opportunities for fun and play; they are great for jumping in 🙂 This year Monhegan has gotten hit harder than ever with snow. Instead of viewing the beautiful white scene with joy and wonder, I have gradually felt a hard pit in my belly and a…

5 Tips for Staying Active This Winter

Winter Time Fun Don’t let scenes like the one above keep you from being active this winter. There are tons of ways to stay active this winter despite the blustery snow and cold. On Monhegan we have been getting hit pretty hard, but that doesn’t keep us cooped up inside. We get out and get…