Sometimes the best we can hope for around the holidays is to prevent gaining weight.
More often than not the average person gains between 7 and 10 lbs from Thanksgiving to January 1st.
In order to lose that weight you will need to
- decrease your calories to 12oo kCal/day for a minimum of 40 days
- perform 2 hours of physical activity for a minimum of 40 days
Do you have time or energy for all of that? I know I don’t.
This 5 week series will help you to prevent the holiday weight gain this year.
Check back to this BLOG every Monday to get the next tips in the series.
November 30th: Dehydration and weight gain
December 7th: 15 minute a day
December 14th: Party Eating Tips
December 21st: Appetizers on a Calorie Budget
December 28th: 4 Steps to Keeping Your New Year’s Resolution in 2016
In 2016, sign up for my Online Course: Yoga For Balanced Eating
- lose weight
- increase energy
- prevent disease like diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diet related diseases
BOGO for a limited time. Sign up with a friend and each pay 1/2 price. Making healthy lifestyle and diet changes with a friend is more effective than on your own.