Before reading this blog post, be sure to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations. Originality, progressiveness, or imagination, manifesting in artistic expression. Do you yearn to express yourself artistically and don’t feel you have the skill? Or do you have a talent that is blocked and unable to express?…
Yoga Practice to Unleash Your Creative Spirit Part 3 of 4
Before reading this blog post, read Part 1 and Part 2. creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations. Originality, progressiveness, or imagination, manifesting in artistic expression. Do you yearn to express yourself artistically and don’t feel you have the skill? Or do you have a talent that is blocked and unable to express? For your creative spirit to…
Yoga Practice to Unleash Your Creative Spirit Part 2 of 4
Before reading this blog post, please read Part 1 creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations. Originality, progressiveness, or imagination, manifesting in artistic expression. Do you yearn to express yourself artistically and don’t feel you have the skill? Or do you have a talent that is blocked and unable to express? For your creative spirit to flow, the…
Yoga Practice to Unleash Your Creative Spirit, part 1 of 4
creativity [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations. Originality, progressiveness, or imagination, manifesting in artistic expression. Do you yearn to express yourself artistically and don’t feel you have the skill? Or do you have a talent that is blocked and unable to express? For your creative spirit to flow, the Chakras need to be in balance. Although the Chakras…
Savor…food, life, each moment
[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″] sa·vor ˈsāvər/ verb taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely. [/quote] Savoring food, tasting it, enjoying it completely sounds so luxurious and relaxed. In strong opposition to how we typically eat, on the run, in front of the television, while doing another task. Recently my friends, Dylan and Mandy Metrano,…
Why I Sugar Detox
When I started out writing this blog about my 10 Day Sugar Detox, I was super pumped to share my detox plan and my experience. And I still am, but during my initial research, I came across a bunch of blog posts warning against sugar detoxes. Which led me to redirect this blog post slightly….
A Nation of Addicts: Sugar Addicts
A Nation of Addicts: Sugar Addicts The average American consumes 100 pounds of sugar per year that is 25 times more than the average consumption of early colonists to America. The USDA recommends 10 teaspoons of added sugar per day and yet most people consume 30 teaspoons or more. The extra sugar is primarily coming…
Monhegan is not complete without lobster
Several years ago, when I was just transitioning into the health and wellness field, I did a few cooking demonstrations. Today, one of my clients emailed asking for a recipe from one of those demonstrations. I pulled out the handout to share the recipe and was inspired to share it broader. This handout had been…
Healthy Guys!!!
Happy Father’s Day and just like on Mother’s Day, this day celebrates all men whether they are a father or not, because in one way or another you father, just like all women, mother on some level. As a woman, I tend to write about women’s health more than men, but I want to change…
Food That Works
I recently was introduced to Malia Dell’s new cookbook, Food That Works, and instantly wanted all of my clients to pick up a copy for themselves. My clients are busy, career-oriented people who also want to be healthy. They don’t always feel they have the time, energy or resources to lead the healthy life they…