Winter Time Fun
Don’t let scenes like the one above keep you from being active this winter.
There are tons of ways to stay active this winter despite the blustery snow and cold.
On Monhegan we have been getting hit pretty hard, but that doesn’t keep us cooped up inside. We get out and get active.
Snow shoeing, Ice Skating, Cross Country Skiing, Snow Shoveling and My Personal All Time Favorite : SLEDDING!!!

Here’s me on my runner sled. Kole got it for me a couple of years ago and boy does it go fast! To see Kole sled down Horn’s Hill check out this VIDEO.

This is a picture of the Elizabeth Ann, the mailboat, out of Port Clyde. This time of year, the boat comes out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday weather dependent. It brings mail, freight and passengers. Going down to meet the boat is both a social occasion and an opportunity to get some exercise. Unloading the boat of freight is a great workout.

Snow yoga is great because I can practice challenging poses like crow. If I fall over, I land in fluffy white snow, no problem.
However and whenever you choose to get out and get active this winter, make it fun and enjoyable with a few winter activity tips:
- Stay Hydrated. Drink plenty of water, you dehydrate just as easily in winter if not more.
- Wear appropriate clothing. If the temperature is in the single digits, all of your skin should be covered. Layers help to keep the wet snow away from your skin and it makes it easier to remove layers if you get too warm.
- Vaseline. Put Vaseline on your lips and exposed skin to prevent wind burn
- You don’t have to invest in expensive equipment or travel a long way. Pick a winter activity that you can do easily outside your front door. Keep it simple, the more complicated you make the activity, the less likely you are to do it.
- Have FUN and be SAFE 🙂
Enjoy the winter time fun and start looking towards the warmer months, it is a great time to plan your summer vacation on Monhegan. Check out the Monhegan WellnessRetreat Schedule.